In India, the rise of matrimonial websites are challenging centuries-old traditions of arranged marriage. India now has more than 1500 matchmaking online sites to help you find your perfect match. Dealing with the pressure of getting married via these forum is quite not easy.
You need to have right amount of patience to get through this process. Here are some tips on finding partner on indian matrimonial sites.
Never feel the notion of getting married as a pressure. Remember, no one is too old or too young to get married. Don't ever get under your parent's influence, they might tempt you to marry a particular person (may be because of his/her right looks or right package) but don't take a step forward before knowing the person and his whereabouts. Initiate talking on calls, chatting online or meeting in person once you match with a profile.
Make a move and try to show interest (only if you feel the connect). Be open about your likes and dislikes, see if the person is comfortable in your company or not (only after you start to feel comfortable around that person).
Even after so much of efforts sometimes you might not connect well with the person, in that case don't ever loose hopes! Expecting too much will end up making you feel sad. Be optimistic and give up on expectation factor. You need to keep in mind that matches are not made overnight, it takes sincere efforts to get along with someone for a lifelong commitment.
Don't settle. Yes! Do not settle for something materialistic. Just because a person earns in lakhs doesn't mean he's good for you. Pay attention to other factor like how is he with people? How he treats his family? How much he's understanding and willing to devote time to you? Try to find answers to such questions too.
Let's get practical here! Money is important, so are looks but there are other elements too which get unavoidable after a point of time. Keep in mind all of them. Also don't be over the top picky. You mind end up alone too. Create a balance for yourself, keep calm and learn from the process. Be nervous, excited and curious because my friend the film is not over yet!
Good luck..